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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Google Reader Reflection

Google reader is something I knew little, well nothing about prior to this class. I am astounded to find so many website have the capabilities to be followed via Google reader. Now I find myself noticing that little button more and more, on more and more random sites. It is awesome for just getting technology around according to who wants to read it. It is kind of like your own personal newspaper with only the things you like in it.

For teachers this can be very useful, because you have the ability to follow other teachers who teach the same topics. From these teachers you can gain a better understanding of what a good teacher is. I don't know about everyone else but I plan on asking for as much help and advice my first few years in a classroom. This is a way to gain that insight without anyone knowing. They are just going to think you are simply amazing all on your own.

From Google Reader I am following a few sites for personal reasons, such as lacrosse websites and some websites which give good deals on outdoor gear. Other than that I have found a few gems already just from keeping my eye out when I check my mail. One of them being a link to a site which allows you to play clips from movies which otherwise would be unavailable. I always hated it when a teacher would be like has anyone seen this movie? They would then proceed to tell a not so flattering second-hand version of an amazing movie. From this website you can look the movie up and pull clips from the movie without having to own it or rent it out. Allows for the visual and audio learners to gain a better understanding of what exactly you are trying to convey! I love that Google Reader!

Rubric Creation Reflection

Rubrics are those items in the classroom not many students pay attention to. They get stuff in folders and binders, only to be pulled out the day before it's due. As a teacher I would find this disheartening, because I spent a good amount of time preparing and outlining the objectives clearly so the student would get a good grade. They then just stuff it in a dark cave only to claim they lost it and recieve a new one from my ever bountiful desk. This could all be avoided thanks to Rubistar.

Rubistar allows a teacher to quickly create a rubric without having to create all sorts of tables and graphs in word or excel. This not only saves time, but it also takes a lot of stress off of the teacher. Thus turning the classroom enviroment into a much more pleasant atmosphere in which to learn. The fact that it have criteria predetermined according to the subject also allows the teacher to remember things he or she may have possibly left out. This gives an oppurtunity for the student to learn and expand more by the added criteria.

This technology has opened up my eyes in the sense that I believed I would have to make rubrics and grade books up all on my own. I will now be able to put Rubistar into my Delicious account and recall it whenever I am in need of a quick rubric. I am sure I have just scratched the surface and tools which are on the internet that are designed to aid teachers in the classroom. I look forward to finding out what others things I can incorporate into my future classroom.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Assistive Technology Reflection

This assignment really opened up my eyes when it comes to technology to support those with physical disabilities. I never realized how much was available to those who have disabilities. I just thought they would be put into a classroom which would be designed to specially cater to their needs. Now with the knowledge attained in this class I have come to find that if I happen to have a student with a physical limitation I will now be able to cater to them without hindering the progress of the rest of the classroom.

The amount of different technologies which are available to help are amazing. I wasn't aware that there were so many out there which were suited for each different disability. The guest speaker in our class was also an amazing oppurtunity to watch. Watching his ability to navigate and teach a class for a full hour without the ability to see was astonishing. It really brought into perspective the fact that anyone can do anything, if the just set there mind to it.

I plan to fully utilize these tools in my classroom to better enhance the learning experience for those I am teaching. Even the voki is a tool designed to help those children who may be visually impaired. Even if I have no children who suffer from physical limitations using these tools is a way to enhance learning in my classroom, and make it more entertaining at the same time.

Technology Supported Lesson Plan Reflection

At the beginning of this assignment it was difficult I found. In an English classroom setting the uses of technology can seem few and far between. In most of my High School English classes it consisted of reading stories and discussing them in class. These were easy assignments, but they were not engaging in any way. I found that by deciding to use technology in such as way as to make the class more interesting is only going to allow my students to be more engaged in the lesson. The wallwisher is perfect for the lesson I had in mind, it allows the students to express their findings without having to tell anyone who it was or who was the one that eavesdropped on the conversation.

I also feel that allowing the students to create and use their own blogs in an English classroom, is something which can be greatly utilized. It allows the students to be creative while they are using technology. I realize English classes are not always going to be able to have technology integrated into them, but by allowing the students to have and update blogs on their own time allows them to use technology outside of the classroom, and more frequently.

The use of blogs in the classroom also make it easier for me to grade them because I will be following all of my students. This will allow me to use technology to my advantage and save the time of turning in and possibly losing papers.