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Sunday, March 14, 2010

Rubric Creation Reflection

Rubrics are those items in the classroom not many students pay attention to. They get stuff in folders and binders, only to be pulled out the day before it's due. As a teacher I would find this disheartening, because I spent a good amount of time preparing and outlining the objectives clearly so the student would get a good grade. They then just stuff it in a dark cave only to claim they lost it and recieve a new one from my ever bountiful desk. This could all be avoided thanks to Rubistar.

Rubistar allows a teacher to quickly create a rubric without having to create all sorts of tables and graphs in word or excel. This not only saves time, but it also takes a lot of stress off of the teacher. Thus turning the classroom enviroment into a much more pleasant atmosphere in which to learn. The fact that it have criteria predetermined according to the subject also allows the teacher to remember things he or she may have possibly left out. This gives an oppurtunity for the student to learn and expand more by the added criteria.

This technology has opened up my eyes in the sense that I believed I would have to make rubrics and grade books up all on my own. I will now be able to put Rubistar into my Delicious account and recall it whenever I am in need of a quick rubric. I am sure I have just scratched the surface and tools which are on the internet that are designed to aid teachers in the classroom. I look forward to finding out what others things I can incorporate into my future classroom.

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