Welcome to my blog, many fruitful and interesting things await!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

How to Use Blogs in the Classroom

Blogs in the classroom can be useful for many reasons. In my case being and English teacher the blogs will most likely be used for a type of journal. The students will be able to share and store their ideas with myself and their peers. This will allow the students to become more equipped for the lives ahead of them which will be filled with a plethora of technology. They will also be able to share their ideas with other people not in the class which will expose their works to others outside of the classroom.

I will also have a blog which will share how and why I teach the lessons the way I do. They will also be able to check my blog to see what activities they missed in class. This is important because it allows students to not fall behind if they may miss class for any reason. Adding this type of technology in the classroom adds something fresh which the students most likely have not used in the classroom before. This will keep them engaged as well as interested in the new curriculum.

Monday, May 3, 2010

WebQuest Reflection

The WebQuest assignment may have been the most challenging of the year, but I found it as the most rewarding assignment of the year. I enjoyed coming up with a project that not only did I find interesting, but that would allow the students to think for themselves in the process. I enjoyed setting the project up in such a way which allowed for different possible outcomes depending on the group, this allows for more interesting presentations from year to year.

I have never much been a fan of group projects, but after learning about how students actually retain the information more it makes sense why teachers assign so many. I have come to respect the group projects and now that I wont actually have to do many more of them I can openly say that I like them.

Overall the WebQuest project was something I plan on using in my classroom if it meets the curriculum. It is something that can be adapted easily, and even better they are something which can be easily created over a few days time. They are very useful tools and will come in handy during project times.

Professional Development Resources Reflection

I feel that it is important for teachers to continue learning throughout their career. If a teacher stops learning then he or she has no right to expect their classroom to learn for them. Learning new knowledge is only going to make the teacher more knowledgable as well as more marketable for other positions. One of the easiest ways for teachers to continue learning is by attending conferences.

In the exercise we were asked to do we were able to find conferences, seminars, and webinars which allow a teacher to grow as an educator. I am very lucky to be given the tools necessary to find these sites before I become an educator, that way once I am a teacher I will begin learning more immediately. This will cut off the plateau period I imagine a lot of teachers are faced with before they decide to further there education.

I am glad I am getting the chance to learn about the inner workings of the teaching system now before I actually have to become a teacher. With these logistics out of the way I will be able to spend more time preparing lesson plans and finding ways to effectively teach my class the material.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Plagiarism, Copyright Reflection

I found that learning about these two things was very rewarding. I always knew that plagiarism was bad and things have to be properly cited. Once I become a teacher I think it is imperative that I am able to uncover those individuals that are choosing to copy and paste their assignments. I will only be helping them, because later on in life it is going to come back to haunt them. Making sure that my students are well informed about plagiarism not only deters them from using it because they know I know about it, but they can gain ways to avoid using it so they wont have to.

The copyright information was probably the most interesting thing I learned in this section. I never knew that you could not be allowed to watch a video which is not for an educational purpose. No more reward days for my future classes! I also found it crazy to believe that when showing a video in the classroom you are restricted to only using ten percent otherwise you will be infringing on the copyright. I have been apart of movies and clips which are much more than ten percent.

I believe that by teaching my class about the dangers of these two acts they will be better informed, which will result in less usage of either. They will know the consequences and know that I know them, so they will be less likely to dare to copy and paste in my classroom! This will inspire them to create much more creative works, and lead to better learning overall.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Excel Lesson Plan Reflection

Before the creation of this lesson plan I have only used Excel spreadsheets in regards to budgets and graphs. Now I am able to see that those are not the only things which are useful when it comes to spreadsheets. I was able to utilize the application in order to create a timeline which was much easier to design in Excel than it would have been in a Word document. The ability to merge cells and wrap the text is much easier than hassling with a text box. This ability to use Excel in new ways opens many doors when it comes to assignments for students.

The interactive spreadsheets were also interesting to learn about. I knew formula could be used in order to perform mathematics equations, but never had any idea they could be altered to show if answers were correct or not. This is a very useful tool when one is trying to integrate technology in the class room. It not only allows the students to become more familiar with Excel, but it also teaches them not to be afraid of it.

I know in many of my classes in high school the teachers seemed to be afraid of Excel, expect for the use of their gradebooks. I think with the teachers becoming more enlightened with its uses and abilities it will only cause increasing interest in the program. It is a very useful tool which will become part of my lesson plans in the future, not only for graphs but for it's interactive purposes as well.

Monday, April 5, 2010

PowerPoint Lesson Plan Reflection

In high school you are expected to be a proficient user of Power Point, however you are never specifically taught how to use it. In this class I have been able to utilize aspects of Power Point I never knew were possible. In learning these new skills I will then be more equipped to teach my students the things I know. This will allow them to produce better Power Points and help them in any future endeavours.

Not only does knowing how to navigate Power Point more efficiently help, seeing different ways students are able to use them for a project allows for more creativity. By choosing to utilize Power Point in the class room I am giving my students the ability to express their creativity through technology. They may choose to produce a linear Power Point or have one which is rifled with hyperlinks, either way students are able to create presentations while using technology.

I have also learned that presentations are an important part in the classroom. Most students want to show off their work, by creating Power Points this allows them to do so. I feel that if students know their work is going to have to be presented they are more likely to create better work. Peer pressure in some situations can cause those children who otherwise would slack off to actually show their true potential. Making children show their work allows me to better gauge what they are capable of, because I know they gave it their best attempt hopefully in order to not look foolish in front of their peers.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Google Reader Reflection

Google reader is something I knew little, well nothing about prior to this class. I am astounded to find so many website have the capabilities to be followed via Google reader. Now I find myself noticing that little button more and more, on more and more random sites. It is awesome for just getting technology around according to who wants to read it. It is kind of like your own personal newspaper with only the things you like in it.

For teachers this can be very useful, because you have the ability to follow other teachers who teach the same topics. From these teachers you can gain a better understanding of what a good teacher is. I don't know about everyone else but I plan on asking for as much help and advice my first few years in a classroom. This is a way to gain that insight without anyone knowing. They are just going to think you are simply amazing all on your own.

From Google Reader I am following a few sites for personal reasons, such as lacrosse websites and some websites which give good deals on outdoor gear. Other than that I have found a few gems already just from keeping my eye out when I check my mail. One of them being a link to a site which allows you to play clips from movies which otherwise would be unavailable. I always hated it when a teacher would be like has anyone seen this movie? They would then proceed to tell a not so flattering second-hand version of an amazing movie. From this website you can look the movie up and pull clips from the movie without having to own it or rent it out. Allows for the visual and audio learners to gain a better understanding of what exactly you are trying to convey! I love that Google Reader!

Rubric Creation Reflection

Rubrics are those items in the classroom not many students pay attention to. They get stuff in folders and binders, only to be pulled out the day before it's due. As a teacher I would find this disheartening, because I spent a good amount of time preparing and outlining the objectives clearly so the student would get a good grade. They then just stuff it in a dark cave only to claim they lost it and recieve a new one from my ever bountiful desk. This could all be avoided thanks to Rubistar.

Rubistar allows a teacher to quickly create a rubric without having to create all sorts of tables and graphs in word or excel. This not only saves time, but it also takes a lot of stress off of the teacher. Thus turning the classroom enviroment into a much more pleasant atmosphere in which to learn. The fact that it have criteria predetermined according to the subject also allows the teacher to remember things he or she may have possibly left out. This gives an oppurtunity for the student to learn and expand more by the added criteria.

This technology has opened up my eyes in the sense that I believed I would have to make rubrics and grade books up all on my own. I will now be able to put Rubistar into my Delicious account and recall it whenever I am in need of a quick rubric. I am sure I have just scratched the surface and tools which are on the internet that are designed to aid teachers in the classroom. I look forward to finding out what others things I can incorporate into my future classroom.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Assistive Technology Reflection

This assignment really opened up my eyes when it comes to technology to support those with physical disabilities. I never realized how much was available to those who have disabilities. I just thought they would be put into a classroom which would be designed to specially cater to their needs. Now with the knowledge attained in this class I have come to find that if I happen to have a student with a physical limitation I will now be able to cater to them without hindering the progress of the rest of the classroom.

The amount of different technologies which are available to help are amazing. I wasn't aware that there were so many out there which were suited for each different disability. The guest speaker in our class was also an amazing oppurtunity to watch. Watching his ability to navigate and teach a class for a full hour without the ability to see was astonishing. It really brought into perspective the fact that anyone can do anything, if the just set there mind to it.

I plan to fully utilize these tools in my classroom to better enhance the learning experience for those I am teaching. Even the voki is a tool designed to help those children who may be visually impaired. Even if I have no children who suffer from physical limitations using these tools is a way to enhance learning in my classroom, and make it more entertaining at the same time.

Technology Supported Lesson Plan Reflection

At the beginning of this assignment it was difficult I found. In an English classroom setting the uses of technology can seem few and far between. In most of my High School English classes it consisted of reading stories and discussing them in class. These were easy assignments, but they were not engaging in any way. I found that by deciding to use technology in such as way as to make the class more interesting is only going to allow my students to be more engaged in the lesson. The wallwisher is perfect for the lesson I had in mind, it allows the students to express their findings without having to tell anyone who it was or who was the one that eavesdropped on the conversation.

I also feel that allowing the students to create and use their own blogs in an English classroom, is something which can be greatly utilized. It allows the students to be creative while they are using technology. I realize English classes are not always going to be able to have technology integrated into them, but by allowing the students to have and update blogs on their own time allows them to use technology outside of the classroom, and more frequently.

The use of blogs in the classroom also make it easier for me to grade them because I will be following all of my students. This will allow me to use technology to my advantage and save the time of turning in and possibly losing papers.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Back to School Reflection

The back to school powerpoint allowed me to demonstrate my excellence in technology in many ways. The first of those ways would be the design layouts of my slides. I was successful in changing the background from a plain white setting, this enhances the visual my audience will be recieving. In turn they will be more apt to pay attention to something which is visually appealing than that which is not. I was also able to add in word art which I could manipulate in a way to not make it run the traditional horizontal pattern.

The second way I was able to demonstrate good usage of technology, would be my additions of pictures into the slides. I added a few pictures of me which were pulled from a seperate website. I was able to arrange them in a order which is reflective of what I prefer to do in my spare time. This allows the audience to gain a better understanding of who I am as a person. It allows them to think of me not only as their instructor, but as a normal human being.

The third thing I chose to do was to add transitions in my slides as well as a few sounds. The tranistions keep it fresh for the audience and allow them a different change of scenery each time I change a slide. The sounds keep the audience on their toes. If they happen to be napping a car screech or a drum roll is sure to snap them out of it. By throwing in the class highlight section it allowed a preview of things which are going to come to pass in the near future. This should create some buzz among the students and allow them to become more excited and interested in the course as a whole.

Internet Safety and Classroom Rules Reflection

Creating an Internet safety form allowed me to show my skills in creating a document future students can take home and return to me. By identifying the dangers of the internet I can show my knowledge of the internet, and what are places to avoid. Incorporating color and various clipart into the form also made it more interesting, and less formal. The use of adding text boxes and tables makes the form appear more organized and collected rather than straight forward information. Adding the links for parents to delve into more research themselves shows my ability as a teacher to successfully search the web.

The classroom rules allowed me to get a better understanding as to what type of teacher I plan to be. I don't want to be to harsh, but I also don't want to be walked all over. By laying these rules out in slides it allows me to adequately discuss what exactly I mean behind each of them. The transistions and visual aids should allow the students to pay more attention while I go over them rather than glazing over like most youth do. I think adding sound could be something I would like to add in the future as a way to keep my students on their toes. I never much cared for it when I was in school, but now that the table are turned I can see it's benefits.

Both of these assignments allowed me to show how I could use technology in the class room. It may be two of the simplest forms of technology, but it still is. As the semester progresses more exciting and intricate technology will be added to both my lesson plans as well as adding them into everyday assignments.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Back to School Newsletter Reflection

The back to school newsletter reflection allowed me to demonstrate how to use word is ways I haven't before. In the past I have used clip-art and word-art in a newsletter before, but rarely would I combine the two. By combining all aspects of visually appealing stimuli it allows the reader to not get caught up in information overload. Pictures also allows breaks in the information which keeps the writer from becoming too wordy. Using the technology that word provided allowed me create something which otherwise could have been quite dull.

Not only was my newsletter visually appealing, but it also helped me learn more about myself as a teacher. I do want to be the teacher who kids want to have, not the one they have to have. Technology is something I feel will set me apart from other teachers of older ages. Knowing the knowledge my students know will allow me to better understand their needs as a class and answer any questions they may pose. Technology is something which I do plan on incorporating into every lesson plan, and before this assignment I wasn't sure if it would be something useful to me. Now I know it is going to be an important key to having success in my future classroom.

I have always wondered about the class I am going to have someday, but this assignment made it more of a reality. Having the freedom to think about a future class allowed me to reflect on great teachers of my past. I remember assignments I found interesting with them, and plan on incorporating them into my own future lesson plans. I also was able to look up books which have challenged and influenced my writing which I will one day be able to teach from. This newsletter assignment really made my future class seem like a reality rather than something which is a few years away.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The Importance of Technology in the Classroom

Dear Parents,

I would like to welcome you and your child to my English class. An exciting and entertaining semester awaits us. As a teacher who grew up around technology I plan to utilize it's abilities to their full capacity. Technology is a tool which is constantly changing, we as a society have to change with it. I personally feel if we as educators do not allow your child to use technology to their best ability we are merely hindering their learning curve as they leave high school. Allowing your children to learn and explore exciting new ways to share ideas will only spark excitement for learning in my classroom.

Throughout the semester we will be using powerpoint, word, and excel on a daily basis. Even though this is an English class I will be encouraging your children to share their ideas and writings through blogs, podcasts, and through various social networking sites. I know the internet can be a dangerous place, and I in no way intend to put your child in any compromising situation. Their work will be closely monitored by me, and will not be sent to any unsecure or unapproved sites. If your child does not have access to the internet or a computer please contact me a KevinKaup27@gmail.com so something can be arranged.

I am ecstatic for the upcoming semester and look forward to working with your children, and you in the future. If you have any questions or concerns for me please feel free to email, and I will get back to you as soon possible!


Kevin Kaup


Cold steel, naked under a gown, waiting
for a block. Drugs course in as my mind wanders
in and out of sanity. Ankle swollen, but free
from its prison of gauze. The needle enters my leg,
"A tiny bee sting" ya right. I begin to pray.
Lacrosse at stake, and a long recovery in store.

Eyes creak open, handed crutches, no energy in store
forced to walk. Once independent, now waiting
for me is common. Stop staring I pray,
know they are looking, see their eyes wander.
A block seems a mile with only one functional leg.
Hard work in store it isn’t going to be free.

Setting up base camp in a lazy boy from chores I'm free.
Laptop, iPod, remote, phone, and controller all stored
close by my side. Being braced with pillows to prop my leg.
My block will soon wear off, the pain is patiently waiting.
It's supposed to be unbearable, I sit, not able to wander
Click, Rush, Throb, Melting Pain, Bone Screws, Drills, Ache, I pray.

2:00 A.M., my help is sleeping, no one to hear, to stubborn to call for aid, I pray
for the light of day. 2:30 A.M., crawl, cold wood floor, for pills that can free
me from this hell. Sleep unable to consume, thoughts wander.
Salvation will come, not capable of keeping my tears in store,
Tears streaming as the meds begin to do their job. I am waiting,
for the pain to cease, and the painful hell to release its grasp from my leg.

Empty stomach, drugs wage war, grenades drop in my stomach, my leg
is no longer a problem. The fracture is winning I am merely its prey.
Base camp relocated, lay on linoleum, hugging porcelain, waiting.
Waiting for the emptiness trying to break free.
Not able to eat, not able to move, no energy in store.
Drifting into painful sleep, in dreams I gorge and barefoot wander.

Back to my chair I make promises of wandering
to my a defeated foot. Dr’s orders no pain pills. My leg
keeps rhythm. Pills brought in from the drug store
mock me from a nearby table. I can’t do this I pray
for a way out. I long for a chance to be free.
Minute by minute, throb by throb, I am waiting.

I will never regret the simple wandering. I pray,
but I know my leg will never be the same, never free.
There will be hard work in store, until then I am waiting.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

The Journey

The Journey
I am a minor piece of something great,
An individual surrounded by similar friends.
I live a fleeting life long spent green.
I bask in warm rays, oblivious to life,
and sway in the breeze when weather permits.
A life to envy, yet boredom branches out.
I wonder how freedom must feel.
My demise creeps closer, as days dwindle.
Frost covered shivers, ice filled veins,
Death approaches, bleed sudden red.
Grip crippled as strength wanes.
Now vastly alone, no friends in sight.
Once innocent wind, now guides me.
Life I knew stands rooted, I fall away,
scuffing across cement my body crumbles.
I strain for control, overwhelmed with exhaustion.
No option but patience, I must out last
this roller coaster of death.
I rest on wet dew as grass blades tickle my wrist.
Shrieks from the fellow fallen,
Scared and confused we are gathered.
Cold rust rips through brittle skin.
Assembled in piles, placid fear,
Lying in wait, in wait for the black.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Glad this works, many thought provoking ideas coming soon